Archive for ‘Lunch’

February 5, 2011

An Excellent Saturday lunch

Everyone else is out of the house today, so here’s my recipe for a quick and seasonal lunch for one.  This took me 10 minutes, tops, and looked so good I ate it without taking a picture first.

Scrambled Eggs with Mostly Raw Arugula and Mushrooms

– 2 eggs, or some soft tofu (for scrambling)
– 2-4 large button mushrooms, sliced (other kinds would work, this was what we could get locally)
– A handful of arugula (cut in half if the leaves are long)
– A bit of butter or oil (to grease the pan)
– A splash of milk (if you’re cooking with eggs)
– Salt and pepper

If you’re using eggs, crack them into a bowl and whisk/fork until mixed.  Add a splash of milk and some salt and pepper.  
2. Melt the butter or put some oil in the bottom of a frying pan.  Add the eggs or crumble the tofu into the pan.
3. Cook over low heat until just scrambled.  I tend to stir them frequently and break up big curds (roughly following Mark Bittman’s advice for the best scrambled eggs), and keep the eggs moving in the pan until they’re cooked.  Our stove is hyperactive so this happens in less than 5 minutes – your mileage may vary.
Turn the heat off, and push the eggs/tofu over to one side of the pan.  Add the arugula and sliced mushrooms.  I simply stirred them all together and started eating, but you could turn the heat on low and cook it for a minute or so.